A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Friday, January 20, 2006


I said I would give this a go... I never said it would be good!

To those I have mentioned this blog to - here it is. To those who have found this through a link, a search, or by pure bad luck, you may not find much of interest here. Unless you are planning a holiday in Lebanon, in which case you may change your mind as I have only been here 10 days and my knowledge of the country is somewhat limited!

So, if you wish to stick around and see how this (and my knowledge of blogging) develops, sit back, grab a G&T and let's go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is good. Your knowledge of the country is improving, I think, but as I know very little about the area I am no expert. However you seem to have stopped blogging. Why? Perhaps the replies to the Chattey Letters take up too much of your very valuable time? Keep up the good work. Your impressions are important.

9:58 PM


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