A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Under Siege XXI: Every Time We Say Goodbye...

We are off tomorrow. We hope to be back in a couple of weeks as there is much to do here in terms of aid work and rebuilding. I have completed my list of 'Brits left in the country' and have handed over the prized spreadsheet containing all the names. I have also done a bit (a very little bit!) of a tidy up in the flat and finished doing the washing. My bags are packed. I have a medium green bag and a small rucksack. It's amazing what you can condense your life into when necessary. The two things I am most upset to be leaving are Panda, my cuddly toy I have had since a baby, and a picture my Granny left me. Everything else I am obviously sad to leave, but can ultimately be replaced.

Jemimah has agreed to mind the house in our absence. I fear she may be a flaky house-sitter as she looks almost ready to fly. However, Sydney will soon be producing another egg or two so hopefully they will be able to keep an eye on things.

We're off for a couple of drinks with the friends we have left tonight. The bombs in the southern suburbs have been getting closer and closer to quite a few friends' houses. When I see what they are having to deal with - the uncertainty of whether they have a home or not, it puts all our worries into perspective.

So let's 'yalla bye' as they say in Lebanon. We will be back. There is still loads to see, do and experience here. And when it's all over, you must all come and visit. The Lebanese economy needs you! More importantly, the Lebanese people need your support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have to leave - I know it was really the last thing you wanted. But I know that all your friends and readers back in Blighty are pleased you will be safe. If you can't make a difference now, it makes sense to go and come back when you can, and I hope you get every opportunity to do so.

I know that I for one will miss your reports of life in Beirut, so I hope you will help us keep up with what is going on, even when you are back in London!

6:56 PM

Blogger Hayley said...

Really sorry that you have been forced to leave the home you have made there, but as Julian says am pleased to hear you are on your way home. Hope you are not planning on catching a flight into the UK today (Thursday!) as things look a little "tricky".

Keep us posted as to where you are chickie... and hopefully I can get your mobile number to work at some point!

Muchos love

10:47 AM


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