A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just an ordinary day...(s)

Not very much has happened over the last couple of weeks. In fact, its been a bit like living back home in that we've been out and about (including a karaoke session), but nothing specifically really worth blogging about. We've both been a bit run down and tired so last week really was nothing to write home (or on the internet) about. I have it on good authority that lots of people get ill at this time of year as the weather becomes warmer (my friend Suzy at work) and I can point to several people who have been ill too!

Despite the spread of lurgy in Lebanon, I have been on a wine tasting trip with my friends Hazel and William and her parents. The vineyards in Lebanon are set in the most spectacular locations, in the Bekaa valley, with snow-capped mountains in the background. The wines are great too!

Today we went up into the Chouf Mountains to have a look around (chouf means 'look' or 'see' in Arabic). So we had a look in the Look Mountains! Ahem. It is absolutely beautiful there - really green and the weather, although very cool, was sunny. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so you will have to take my word for it!

This week is very busy in work terms for Dom - less so for me, although I will be heading out and about again - I was in the North this week, taking pictures of schoolchildren eating food for the charity's website (all very illustrative). Then on Friday Vicks and Judith arrive! Our second visitors!!

So hopefully next week I will have more to report on...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what's the word on the street about the Israeli elections then?

Has it gone down well in the Lebanon?

An overlooked piece of news is that the Labour leader could become Israel's first black cabinet minister if he joins a coalition with Kadima.

The Arab Israeli's got 10 seats in the Parliament. Any chance of them joining a coalition for peace? As far as I understand it the Arab Israeli's are a bit sniffy about Palestine due to all the corruption etc. So they might be just the people to go in and negotiate...

11:32 AM


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