What a Couple of Weeks it's Been - Part Deux
At the risk of sounding repetitive, it really has been another packed couple of weeks and I am only going to write briefly and hopefully catch up with it another day. Dom turned 40, my parents were here and we all had a great time, we went to Syria again and wandered round Damascus, went to a village called Malulla where they still speak Aramaic and Krak, my friends Liv and Charlotte come out tomorrow, and I also have resigned from IOCC and got a new full time (argh!) job with Time Out Beirut. Yes, the world renowned franchise has come to Beirut and I am reprising my role at University as Varsity's Chief Sub Editor. I am also web content person, which multi tasking suggests that the team is still very small. No matter, it is fun and I have enjoyed my first few days, hectic though they have been. More musings on Lebanese employment law to follow as it is a real shock to civil servants who have been used to flexi time.
Anyway, next post will see a couple of photos - one of Dom singing karaoke to celebrate turning 40 and a suitably nice one of Syria.
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