Summer in the City...
... is not really happening. As soon as we returned the weather turned cold, cloudy and rainy. I was not too bothered for a while as I quite like the cold - but now it is getting a little wearing.
So we have been back for around two weeks now - we've been to Skye, Kent and Wales but have managed to settle in London for a week now. And as predicted we have been meeting people for coffee, dinner and drinks. All very civilised!!
The encouraging news is that people are starting to return now - my old boss at Time Out Beirut is going back on the 3rd and apparently the British Council will be heading back soon too. All this is encouraging for our own return and hopefully a decision will be made next week... until then we will be catching up on the films we missed and other London delights.
I will leave you with this story on the wine harvest. Lebanese wine is fabulous and there were fears that this year's harvest was completely ruined. However, some appears to have been salvaged. The story is part written by my Editor, Ramsay - a man partial to a drink or three himself!
The TELEGRAPH Fiona how could you? Saw it myself and was going to send you a copy. Siobhan will be pleased the wine harvest appears to be OK.
12:13 AM
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