A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

One Year Today!!

It's one year today since we arrived in Beirut! One year ago we arrived late at night and, on venturing out to buy some water, were slightly alarmed by the number of tanks and soldiers parked near our flat. Now of course, we are completely used to Armed Personnel Carriers, tanks, soldiers, Lebanese Special Forces, UN troops, military aircraft, gunships, helicopters, bombs and evacuations!

We were also slightly taken aback by the riots in February... all very small fry when compared to the events of the summer.

And we were surprised by the level of political debate and vociferous opinions offered by the majority of Lebanese at any time whether it be in the hairdressers, the supermarket or the Service Taxi. As I've posted recently, I've detected a certain amount of disillusionment amongst some people, even the ones who were desparately in favour of change 10 months ago. Saying that, the protests in Downtown are continuing and are apparently increasing today - there is talk of some protestors blockading the VAT office. The leaders of the opposition movement say that it is all peaceful and so far nothing has happened to contradict them. It certainly feels peaceful here and the main inconvenience remains crossing the city to West Beirut. There was an article in today's Daily Star (thankfully nothing like Britain's Daily Star although some of the journalism also leaves a lot to be desired) about how some businesses are forbidding talk of politics on their premises.

Personally, one year on I find myself in a very similar position to last year... sending off my CV to various contacts in the hope of getting part time work! However, my Arabic is improving, I can now ski, and I have as busy a social life as I did in London! Tonight we're off to celebrate our anniversary with that traditional Lebanese meal of... curry - well, we haven't had one for ages and Lebanon is famous for its international cuisine...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done and good luck for another exciting year, well not too exciting.

3:56 PM


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