A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Trouble at the front door

There has been another assassination today. Pierre Gemayel, an anti-Syrian Minister was shot earlier this afternoon. It's too early to say what the reaction will be here. Most people have headed home - but a significant few (around 100) headed to Sassine - where we live. So we have a line of police camped outside our front door trying (and succeeding) to keep people away from a rival political party who have kindly set up their HQ just down the road from us.

It's Independence Day tomorrow - the army presence is huge all over the city and I don't think anyone is expecting anything to happen then. It might be the wake up call people need to actually try and work together to salvage something from the situation. Not that those sentiments will help the family of the 34 year old politicial who died - or his bodyguard.

Will keep people posted. There's no work tomorrow so a day cleaning the flat and watching out for developments is probably on the cards!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you offered them cups of coffee?

10:25 PM


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