A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Under Siege VII: The Great Escape

It's been a really long day. We were woken up by bombs between midnight and 2am by really loud, window shaking explosions. Then, I think there was another at 6am, but as I've noted before, you really do kind of get used to it. Today has been absolutely manic. We had the 'go go go' to start getting people out on the ship late last night and we continued contacting people today. I can't believe that we managed to achieve the evacuation of 170 people in a few hours! There were hiccups, obviously, but it was really nice to see that you could actually help people physically, rather than just try to reassure them over the phone. I must admit that my help involved the creation of spreadsheets (ever the techy!) and general running around, but it was a very rewarding feeling.

They'll be more tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. As far as I know, I will not be on any of these ships. This of course depends on what happens, and can change at any time. I am not leaving without Dom so we will have to see what decisions are made higher up. I feel a bit out of the loop in terms of what is going on internationally, although it appears that still no one is putting any pressure on Israel to stop. Have just watched a clip of Bush on the BBC as I try to wind down and someone has clearly told him how to pronounce Hizbullah as he kept saying it very loudly and often. Can someone now train him to say 'Israel should stop bombing' and hopefully we'll get somewhere.

It's been really quiet today - I believe the Israelis are being quieter as the evacuees need safe passage, but I expect it will get loud again tonight. Update on Sydney: she appears well and still hard of hearing, she has shifted position in the nest which may (or may not) be the equivalent of babies shifting position before the mother goes into labour... watch this space!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are safe and helping others get out. I really hope it stops soon!

My friends at work are reading your blog as well, I really think you should be an editor or journalist in your spare time :-)

Keep safe both of you. Everyone sends their love.

Love you

Siobhan xx

11:34 AM

Blogger Hayley said...

Am fairly concerned about your choice of name for the bird... I don't want to see your offspring going into therapy because you have decided to call him/her Brisbane or Tripoli.

Anyway Fi... so glad to hear that all is as well with you as can be expected. Keep us all up to date. If you decide to get out on one of those boats, remember to pack suitable sailing attire... I expect to see you on the news in full regalia(http://www.fantasiawear.com/costumes-sailors.htm) and dancing the hornpipe - with a stiff upper lip of course ;-)


12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have been away for a few days on a training course and really missed not knowing how you were. I have just caught up with all your entries on the blog and glad to know you and Don are staying cool and in high spirits - anything to do with the bottle of wine in that fridge?? Kept looking out for you on TV yesterday - thought you might be one of those efficient looking people in the flourescent jacket.

Take care and keep safe.

Lots of love,


8:17 PM


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