A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Under Siege X: Sleepless in Situ

Internet access is becoming increasingly sporadic, so I am going to try to keep this post brief-ish. Didn’t get the best night’s sleep, I had stomach ache and, despite all my best efforts not to, I kept listening out for bombs. After a while I gave up on sleep and went and watched ‘Sister Act’ starring Whoppi Goldberg. Thankfully, the film was sufficiently soporific, and I was soon fast asleep.

Today was not quite as busy although I was given the run around at work by a group of Germans who got lost, got found, went off, got lost, got to the port and got on the ferry without telling me – not really maintaining the reputation for organization they normally have but these are indeed trying times. The last boat goes tomorrow and I think it will be much more manic then. Many people are still in two minds about whether to go. My Editor, Ramsay, is staying and I think my friend Lucy is, but I saw another friend from Time Out Beirut off today. By the way, if someone could save the articles from the London Time Out about Beirut and Tel Aviv, I’d be grateful; it’d be interesting to see the two perspectives.

Dom and I will not be on the last boat out – we will be staying for a few more days at least. I'm particularly pleased about this as I have just heard that my Amazon order is on its way. This means that once it has miraculously found its way through the Israeli blockades, I will be able to watch series 1 & 2 of 'Sex and the City'!

I'm off out tonight to try and get some normality back and am meeting Lucy for a bite to eat. Then it's all hands to the pump (or forum in this case) as the remaining Brits who want to leave, get out.

Bird Update: It is now clear, I think, that Sydney is a dove of some sort. She is not yet, however, a mother. She is looking more broody today, in my opinion, so maybe the hatching will be soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am considering employing a telephonist so many calls as to how you and Dom are? Independent has asked for a photograph of you in Beirut for their Sunday addition. Sent them to Shov who is coordinating!! It is all Moses' fault, wasn't he that gave the land to the Israelites? Sorry incorrect, it was the Lord, Deuteronomy chapter 34 Verses 1 - 4 and that what happens when you chuck the present occupants off their land.

Sydney is definitely a collared dove. Mind you it could be Shamus as both are the same colour. Information is as follows: - Highly commensal with man, the birds will perch on windowsills and accept scraps from the dinner table (careful here as they are sitting on their nest and might not like being disturbed). Seeds form the principal item of diet, supplemented by insects, molluscs and worms(right start digging). The nest is built in the branches of tall bushes or sometimes on a windowsill. It is a simple construction mainly of dry twigs. Syndey generally lays two eggs and she and Shamous take turns incubating for 14 to 15 days therefore in my maths the happy event will take place on 29 to 30 July providing Dom's information on the 15 July is correct. In passing I might add that the collard dove usually has FOUR broods in a year nesting right up into the winter months. I hope you both can cope!!!!
Do take care both of you.

8:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Been reading your very interesting blog for a few days thanks to Charlotte. It was only today that I realised you are one of the many Fionas I have worked with. I hope the info I supplied via Charlotte about Sydney is of use. I am definitly one of the Collared Dove brigade - we also have them nesting outside my very much more peaceful home in South London.

Take care - I hope you soon get out - my hopes that diplomatic pressure, or at least common sense, would resolve this quickly seem unfounded.

12:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dom and Fi

Well your blog is getting more and more talked about and I think has even hit Denver so when you do come home (hopefully in the time span you had planned and not early due to the naughty people bombing) you will be international stars and have the paparazzi camped outside your house day in day out.....I think I might have to move out I'm not one for the lime light as you well know!!! (and probably you want me out of your house when you get back anyway!?)

Anyway your blog is really interesting and its so good to hear how you are looking after the people out there. You really are stars!!!

Keep up the good work. Stay as safe as possible and speak soon hopefully (I did try to ring the other day but I think you were still working hard!)

Lots of love and kisses

Siobhan xxxxx

1:09 PM


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