A blog by someone new to blogging, set in Beirut, by someone new to Beirut.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Under Siege XV: Beirut Calling

We had a lovely time up in the hills - reading books and generally chilling out. I feel a lot more relaxed and Dom certainly looks like he's benefited from the rest. He says that he has worked harder here than he did in Iraq, which certainly says something about the conditions we have all be working in over the last couple of weeks. One thing I noticed about our stay in the hills was that you could hear the Israeli planes a lot more clearly. I heard them while I was half asleep in the night and in my stupor-like state thought that the airport was open again for business. Ahem. No such luck. The planes, although not bombing Beirut this time, have been circling around the area, no doubt frightening a lot of people on the ground.

One thing I have noticed, and I am sure I am not the only one, is how many sounds remind you of the bombs that have been hitting the suburbs. Any sort of low, dull thud brings back the sound of the shelling. If I am slightly twitchy about the noise some doors make (the portaloos at the evacuation centre certainly reminded me of it), goodness knows how others who were closer to the bombs are finding it. Even the sound of Timpani on a CD I was listening to today made me wonder if the bombs were falling again. It was only the fact that it all happened in time with the music that finally convinced me it was an overactive imagination that was at fault.

In other news, we have internet at home again - hurrah! Dom managed to find a card. Access is still sporadic but I am looking forward to reading my blog in full and ensuring that I do not repeat myself too often. I went out for a bite to eat with a friend of mine from Time Out. She's currently freelancing and it was good to find out what is happening on the ground as she is pitching some articles about the humanitarian effort in Lebanon at the moment. I watched about 30 seconds of Bush on a news bulletin tonight and had to turn over when it became apparent that he couldn't remember the countries he was supposed to be focused on, and talked about 'that area, the Middle East' instead.

I'm going to try to reply to some emails over the next couple of days. Keep the comments coming. Sydney is still sitting there I'm afraid. Is it possible to induce a hatching? Should we be feeding her curry?


Blogger Edward Ott said...

I pray for your safety and for the safety of all the people of lebanon.

4:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hon,

great to speak to you the other night. strange though - really sounded just like you were round the corner in offley rd - just impossible to imagine what it must be like out there. also glad to hear you managed to get away from the city - sounds like dom in particular really needed a rest.

oh - and on an utterly unrelated note i'm sure you'll be delighted to hear that the mighty jam tarts won our first ever champions league game 3-0! All together now H-E-A-R-T-S....

love to you both - you're always in our thoughts.

take care won't you?
charlotte xx

1:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curry is always a good idea.....as is switching Bush off!

Glad you both enjoyed your day off - well deserved. Keep up the good work and look forward to hearing more soon


Ali xx

1:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fi,
It's great to be reading all your updates, assuring us that you are o.k. Like us all, I watch the with interest partially hoping to see you, and also to assure mysef that you are o.k.

Take care, big hugs,
P.S For those that can't see Sydney (JO !!), he's the grey bird in the direct centre of the bottom two photo's !!!

3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect to hear the good news shortly re Sydney. You feeding the new arrival will be difficult as worms are somewhat scarce 7 stories up! However Mother and Father would appreciate bread crumbs but these should be put out when they are not there until they get used to the freebees.
Glad to hear you had a good rest in the hills. From our visit I can well remember them. Take care.

5:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I cannot remember my blog name (2nd one, so I have now got 2 floating around in cyberspace) so am anonymous today. And maybe I should not reveal my identity anyway seeing as I (along with the lovely Rich) seem to be the only one who is incapable of identifying a bird in a photo. But my father always told me I was not the observational one in the family...that accolade pis held by another.

Glad to hear you had a good weekend, we did too (this is all about me, after all). Had a BBQ last night where Edgy made some DELICIOUS burgers, and I made them even better by piling them full of gherkins. Nice. then we just had one for lunch today. Oh I love to eat.

carry on chilling out as much as possible and I hope that everything calms down. We were very saddened to hear that Cana (excuse spelling) had been hit. I will always remember going there and seeing the 2000+ year old statues and the shadows on the wall, that were as difficult to discern as Sydney in your photos!! So it's really sad to see how that could be destroyed, not to mention the mindless destroying of people's lives and homes.

Keep safe, love you lots


4:56 PM

Blogger Hayley said...

I guess you are not the only ones to go to higher ground in a bid for a bit of peace and "normality"... I thought that this was a fascinating insight into life for some of the locals - next time I get a recorded message from a mere double glazing salesman, I will thank my lucky stars...


Lots of love to you both - you are famous in Monis quarters these days!

6:42 PM


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